
Amberside Incrementum EIS Fund

The Amberside Incrementum EIS Fund focuses on businesses which are established and are looking for capital to either make a step change in their growth or to branch out into new complementary markets. The Fund is managed by Amberside Capital which is advised by CH1 Investment Partners LLP.

CH1 are independent advisers who source, shape and analyse investment opportunities in unlisted companies for High Net Worth investors. They manage the whole lifecycle of the investment including management oversight and exit planning. A common-sense approach to investment and a focus on sourcing opportunities which have established income streams and demonstrable growth over a period of time have been key to their success. They are agnostic to sector and appreciate the benefits of using outside industry expertise.

The fund invests in unlisted shares in small companies. The value of these shares may go up or down. As these shares have no readily available market, they may be difficult to sell.


EIS Benefits

The Enterprise Investment Scheme offers a series of tax reliefs to UK tax payers. It is designed to encourage investment in small unquoted companies carrying on an EIS qualifying trade in the United Kingdom. Eligibility for these tax reliefs is dependent on the circumstances of the individual investor.

Income Tax Relief
Individuals can obtain 30% income tax relief on EIS investments up to £1,000,000 in the current tax year.

Exemption from Capital Gains Tax
No CGT is payable on gains realised on the disposal of the Investments provided that they have been held for at least three years from the date of investment (or from the date of commencement of the Investee Company’s trade if later).

Capital Gains Deferral
Individuals can defer CGT on chargeable gains by making an investment of an amount equivalent to the chargeable gain in EIS qualifying shares.

Loss Relief
Capital losses realised from an investment in EIS qualifying shares may qualify for share loss relief (net of income tax relief). The loss may be set against the individual’s taxable income, or the loss may be offset against capital gains in the tax year of disposal. Any excess losses may be carried forward for relief against future capital gains.



Not currently open for new investment


Risk Warnings

Investment in our products exposes your capital to risk. Amberside Capital does not provide investment, tax or legal advice and the details contained in this website is for your information only. We strongly recommend you seek professional advice if you are considering investing with us. You may lose all or part of your capital invested.

Amberside Capital invests in unlisted shares in small companies. The value of these shares may go up or down. As these shares have no readily available market, they may be difficult to sell.

The tax reliefs associated with our investments depend on each individual investor’s circumstances and may be subject to change. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of how your investments may perform in the future and as such, performance information should not be treated as guarantee.


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